89 % of the world's population is convinced that climate change is happening

Discover the second edition of the Ecological Transformation Barometer

Since 2022, Veolia has been publishing the Barometer of Ecological Transformation every two years, in partnership with the Elabe consulting and research firm.

Facing the climate and ecological wall, public debate has entered a new phase. Aware of environmental risks to their health and quality of life, populations around the world are demanding action. Existing solutions are widely accepted, but strategies to implement them struggle to structure on common grounds.


Discover the 2024 edition:

- A global study
- The first findings of the barometer
- Concrete solutions
- Download the 2024 edition


A barometer that affects 26 countries in the 5 continents

The Barometer takes in 26 countries(1) on 5 continents covering a sample of more than half the human population. The countries were chosen for their demographic weight and their relevance: countries on the front line of the effects of climate change, but also countries that are pioneers in ecological policies.

The scope of this Barometer allows us to assess the global and local level of acceptability of existing ecological solutions and to discover the barriers and drivers that accompany the implementation of these solutions. An informative study that helps us to advance the debate and better understand how to achieve ecological transformation.


The first finding of barometer


Ecological fear sweeps the planet

of the world's inhabitants feel exposed and vulnerable to a risk related to climate change or pollution. 

feel exposed and vulnerable to a health risk (including 64% being in poorer health and 58% having mental health problems).


Act to change the situation

believe that a solution that promotes the preservation of their health would motivate them to change their habits or to accept a slightly higher cost.


of the world's inhabitants are convinced that inaction will cost humanity more than ecological action.


Decarbonize, depollute and regenerate resources

More than 2/3
ofthe world's inhabitants are ready to pay a little more for:

  • energy produced locally from non-recyclable waste and biomass.
  • water and for fruits and vegetables to finance solutions for treating water and soil pollution.

(+13% compared to 2022) are ready to drink potable water from the recycling of wastewater to reduce the risk of running out of water.


You want to know more about the study and the results of the barometer of Ecological Transformation, CLICK HERE, to download the 2024 edition.

To find the results of the first edition of the barometer (2022)


Concrete Solutions Exists!

Improve efficiency and minimising wastage by generating reclaimed water for reuse and recycling.
Improve efficiency and reduce downtime with our high-quality water treatment system generating process water for production, process and manufacturing.
Ensure discharge compliance and Improve efficiency with our bespoke Wastewater Treatment system that caters to a wide variety of industries.
Improve efficiency and reduce operational downtime with our robust water and wastewater optimisation service.
We help customers in the industrial, commercial and governmental sectors safely manage, treat, recycle and dispose of hazardous and regulated wastes.
Veolia offer full suite of Hazardous Waste Collection services, from on-site testing, classifications, collection and treatment of your hazardous waste.
PlastiLoop is offering a unique and structured range of recycled plastic grades, addressing the needs of our industrial clients for many of their applications, even for the most stringent standards applicable to their markets.
Providing A Sustainable Alternative Solution: Bioconversion By Insect - Black Soldier Fly
Implementing a comprehensive energy efficiency strategy is key to optimising consumption and reducing emissions. Find out how you can save energy and costs.
As an expert in Energy, Waste and Water, Veolia creates synergy across all three activities while providing innovative and integrated utilities management.

Interested in the results 2024 edition of the barometer of Ecological Transformation?



(1) Europe: France / UK / Spain / Poland / Czech Republic / Netherlands / Belgium / Norway / Germany / Italy
Asia: China / Indonesia / India / Japan
The Americas: USA / Brazil / Chile / Colombia / Mexico
Africa: Morocco / Ivory Coast / Nigeria
Middle East: United Arab Emirates / Saudi Arabia
Oceania: Australia