Veolia provides ultra-pure water, reclaim water and wastewater management with energy savings
Czech Republic
Optimisation and management of the combined industrial and municipal wastewater treatment systems
Hong Kong
Design-Build-Operate of a District Cooling System for a 320 Hectares Mixed-used Development
Czech Republic
To meet increasingly stringent regulations, product quality and environmental protection
A CHP Gas Turbine to Produce Power, Steam and Hot Water while reducing environmental footprint
United Kingdom
Under the British Government’s support for the international mission to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons program led by the United Nations, Veolia was chosen to destroy 194 metric tons of materials.
South Korea
For 13 years, Veolia has been helping LG Lotte Petrochemicals significantly reduce its energy and water use while increasing production capacity.
Veolia and L’Oréal have designed a unique solution for treating and recycling wastewater at the Suzhou plant in China’s Jiangsu province, achieving lower water and energy use.
Veolia is helping a subsidiary of Sinopec to treat its wastewater more efficiently and reduce water use.